oODragonfriendOo's 46 BUDDIES:
My cousin akira has passed awayand gave me his acc
if any of you guys are online please answer
Is depressed for this dead game...
Is currently on this alt account: Ash_thunder_8375
Hey look, Spore
My active acount is Alien_lover2704
quitting spore once i get to 6,969 creations
Forever Offline.
dead account
Alive and well....I will be back
Without lemons, death not happening
Sorry I haven't been on lately
Beware for Jonped99... Or else U don't get cake
People are still visiting my grave?
Starting again
Hello, again, Spore!
sry guys no longer an active account
May the odds be ever in your favour
busy with school for a while, sorry!
I'm awesome.
moved to Rorexx
Guinea pigs rule!!
No longer has Spore, but still answers comments
misses this game.
Still alive
Currently doing a research essay on Spore!
The purpose of Operation Phoenix is to...
I feel so sentimental looking back here again.
Beyond "Page 2" of my creations are shameful...
Beating up a dragon while wearing yoga pants...?
Left Spore. Socksarepurple on DeviantArt!
Stranger things have happened...
What happened 2 this game? (DA SPARK-Theory)
Friend me on Steam! Im TheHipsterFrog!