nickclone's 71 BUDDIES:
Deaviant Art: sarahboebarah
Downrating doesn't increase your creator skills :)
Meet the AzrgExplorers: Meamer, Mr-C, and yorTman
Dance Like Nobody's Watching
On and off, but getting better.
----this way----> [Check-point] *fist pump* "Yes!"
If it walks, it lives
The more you create, the more you succeed
Spore is not currently holding my interest...
I will be absent for a while
Jakster is my husband and we watch tv all night
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
Bird is the Word
Old spore <3
prob gunna return along the lines of decemberish
Universe is for you to discover
Think outside the sphere. Boxes are overrated.
Subscribe! I promise i'll create good stuffs...
Working on new vehicles.
Kinda playing again... kinda
much less active now :(
Imagination Is What Makes Us Human...
I am back...Again!
macht doch mal bei meinem ga realfight contest mit
When Life Gives you lemons, stuff em in ur pants
insanity is hard man...
back but not shady
90% I comment on I download. no tags = no download
Uninstall ALL the spores!
On twitter at Jetbytes
Pretty Fireworks!!!