neptun234's 43 BUDDIES:
Taking over the universe one creature at a time...
A relic from a glorious time.
Busy with college I'll try to keep creating
I will try to do better!!
Name: Henning / Gender: male / Country: Germany
Spaceship craftsman since 2008
derp derp?
Turning my shitty play into a shitty adventure.
change your tagline
Faceless lurker.
Still alive :)
My inspiration is found within yours.
I only upload 20% of my stuff!
Give page back, remove Add --->
Disturbed Creations....Crappy Names
I may never go back on Spore...sorry.
Change is the only constant...
careful what you wish for....
Model Tee
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<