nallison's 37 BUDDIES:
Cogito ergo cogito sum.
Good to know I'm not TOO concieted. 8)
Rebecca1208's Prop Persona
Ugh, Sorry about being offline. Portfolio work. Dx
a manga freek how wans a world of his ouwn
creating the species of the universe
Light up the Fire - Ride on the Power!
Too busy to play right now, but yay 14 years!
I'm back... temporarily?
I'm back!
y u no make spore beta expansion pack
Ioldo rules.
I'm awesome
Greetings from finland
the end. maybe.
Deus pascit corvos
In hibernation
Check out my Alt "Velanc"
evoloution makes a chance for life to grow
Account disabled. Sub to LordQwerty