momme72's 35 BUDDIES:
I love dragons :)
Is currently on this alt account: Ash_thunder_8375
Contact me on Xbox: BubonicBadgers
Contact me on Xbox: BubonicBadgers
Away from SPORE for university.
So many games so little time
Why... So... Serious...?
quitting spore once i get to 6,969 creations
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
Light up the Fire - Ride on the Power!
Sorry, I have left.
Sub to my other account: thepropsmaster
Creating is a Passionfruit.
Try my adventures and enjoy
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
Going to be off spore for a while, soz :(
*Spinning in circles*
Friend me on Steam! Im TheHipsterFrog!
Sorry guys, but I think I'm done with spore