metaldandude's 66 BUDDIES:
Taking a break. Will be back soon.
Tomarow is spring!
just takin a break from reality
I eat the cake even though its a lie. ☺
Hello. My name is darian575. And I make stuff.
High School Busier than Expected; still creating
It's not Sporeover yet
They told me I could become anything.
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Finally back on Spore...new adventure on the way!
The Dreadwings are cruel,but among them are good.
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Oh maior erro na vida... éh ter medo de errar!
Saver of Humens
The Shark Eat Us! Oh No!!!!!!
It was a good run, I must say.
Spore Explorer!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
please, feel free to modify anything I make :D
DARN, I miss you spore!
You can make anything in spore, even a lamp.
if your good at creating i might just rewad you.
Return as Alt
You will give in to the Dark Side...
Making some sets
Who said imagination had a Limit?
I make mediocrity look good.
"Oh, my stars and comets! HE'S A SHE!"
Holy Fishmunger!