ibaek's 39 BUDDIES:
2-21-2018 I am dreadfully sorry. .
Every time someone subs to me a cute thing dies!
Good Bye Spore!
On a break from Spore.
I will try to do better!!
Illars demand a sacrifice.
cuting thing apart to make new
Coming to a star near you.
Feel free to use my creations for GA!
Designing creatures since the dawn of time
It's about controlling the world
currently playing darkspore
Still alive and kicking :)
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
Creations should look good & function in game!
kingdom hearts fan and otaku :3
A tiny bit of this, a tiny bit of that
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
Currently Absent