hawkman226's 69 BUDDIES:
counting down till Star Citizen comes out
Downrating doesn't increase your creator skills :)
Taking over the universe one creature at a time...
Exploring that space outside my room
Pissin blimey! Theres jam coming outta the walls!
New spore profile : Rikyudoo
Down and out for the count
where every things a little weird :)
Working on various projects, allways around though
Check it Out : http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts
With the shield or over the shield...
If you got the money, honey, we got your disease
UR Inc. -Droids for all uses
Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.
im back yah
On a break from Spore.
change your tagline
My creations aren't that bad.....are they?
where did everyone go?
Love trying to make realistic looking vehicles
Créer et recréer car la perfection est intouchable
Really wants to get back onto spore. DO WANT
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Still alive :)
Good old times' - too bad they're gone
Creativity, patience, Spore and a computer.
has left the building
My entire page is a work in progress.
Hey whats this button do?
All comments appreciated
The strength of the power!
Back into spore.......Damn
Exploring the infinite
Massive creativity block... no good creations...
Busy with SWTOR.
Gone for good. Everyone here needs to grow up.
a bit out of practice
Is now called Rastaan.
I'm in this for the long run guys...
Back in Action! How have you all been?
I can resist anything except temptation
thanks to my new fans busy w/ school at moment
building the finest hunks of junk in the galaxy
Wanna dance?
In need of an active vehicle Forum
Ships don't build themselves.
Spaced out.
my world is small again...
I'm back on! :]
Always tell me the odds... so I can cut you off.
Okay, who lit my underwear on fire??