edwyman's 75 BUDDIES:
Treverbyn's new account!
‎ur brtty gud snek ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) https://youtu.be/2z
- the beast master
You can never stop improving
Ugh, Sorry about being offline. Portfolio work. Dx
techincal spore trouble... will fix soon.
Retired? For now...
Moved to littleoogie99.
Hunt... or be hunted
Emergency un-install of Spore in progress
Don't take the Salt Flats Trail
Possibly returning...
On temporary hiatus for work.
What is dead may never die.
perhaps a bit distracted by ME2. will be back!
may the odds be ever in your favor(:
Where my catchphrase is too complex to be catchy!
I'll be back one day-
change your tagline
if at first you don't succeed, don't try skydiving
use my stuff as you please
Still Sporadic in 2012! (just not as active lol)
non so che scrivere °_°
UBD Militia. nuff sed.
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Tired of being a lab rat? Become a mutant!!!
Add me on Steam @: Thunderscunt Griffon
It was fun now I'm done
changed the tagline
DARN, I miss you spore!
New Account; Search for " SoporChild"
Gone, gone, gone.
This game is long dead.
a bit out of practice
Plausible creations for game use.
Oh my God I haven't played Spore in years.
In hibernation
Need to be intermittent on Spore.....
Return as Alt
2016, u srsly need a new password, Skye~Saltdfrost
Comment on some of my creations!
open wound to be mended soon.
Pucker up, buttercup.
yay got a new pc ZOMFG.
Please direct comments to my new account: -ebor-
I may return soon... Bwahahaha
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
10 Years of Quackenstein