diego18's 122 BUDDIES:
Have a look at my sporecasts!
I Create, Therefore, I am
Having fun with the Galactic Adventures Pack
- the beast master
!!Te eszel vagy téged esznek!!
Check it Out : http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts
With the shield or over the shield...
If you got the money, honey, we got your disease
Now I remeber why I loved Lego!
Did someone say random?!?
Who you callin' a rat?
Now has Darkspore
change your tagline
the last thought is to wake up
every one needs a lil' chocolate
where did everyone go?
Feedback is great.
the old king is dead, long live the king!
Navn: Erik Thorsen
Nope! Nobody here any more. :)
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
Droids are my friends.
Somewhere there is a creation waiting to be made.
Ambrosia is Marshmallow Fluff
Hi. I read light novels now less creative. <('-'<)
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
OMG i cant change my avatar pic grrr
Einzugestehen dass man etwas nicht weiß ist Wissen
Old spore <3
Where is the love?
still mostly away but do check in when can
Oops... There goes the Universe
change your tagline
There can be only one.
Full of luff and the carcuses of our enemies.
150% sainity free!
King of the Monkeys!!!
Feel free to use my creations for your own needs
Batlings {:D}.
The strength of the power!
Back into spore.......Damn
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Spore - released late in US, robot pack is revenge
Everyone is entitled to my opinion..
I'm just a luuurrrve machine!!
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
a bit out of practice
Where is a suicide booth when you need one?
Hope you enjoy my creations plz leave a comment
change your tagline
Creations should look good & function in game!
Anyone can use my creations if credited! :)
Occupied elsewhere for a bit...
Account moved to BlueberryStarblaze
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
The study of... Me! :D
You guys can use my stuff in your adventures =)
I'm around...