deronmo's 32 BUDDIES:
*Benster, The One And Only.*
Beam me up, Scotty....!!!!
Good Bye Spore!
Dance with the reaper!!!!
[spongebob narrator] Five years later.
big head
Spore 2 needs to be made. Spore is dead.
Be patient, I'm learning.
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Oh god, it's been years! Is this game even alive?
I haz a snout! :3
currently playing darkspore
I haz antenna, but don't you grab it. >_<
now on DeviantArt, doing random stuff
Master of Evolution
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Galaxy Blender Machine!
MLP:FiM,Fantasy, PewdiePie, & Lady Gaga
I am Thobewill
Overlord of the Spindelcore-Galaxy
Now with 100% more windows! (And no mac)