derikos's 59 BUDDIES:
Sean1M's fetish alt. No actual sporn here.
my server is back from the dead
Apple are Great but My little pony is better
All hail Darkness
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Syntax Error 353. Please Reboot Universe.
Taking a Break from Creating
HOPE: May not be warranted at this point.
On temporary hiatus for work.
"Pokemonkab ruined the Revolutionverse" - williezk
change your tagline
UBD Militia. nuff sed.
A complete fool
Finally got my account back! ffs lol!
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
GAprops and templates
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
the end. maybe.
How will you see my universe
We are met in the light of knowledge...
Join the dark side... and get a free cookie.
Dinosaurs didn't go extinct, they recolonized!
Living in my own little world; You're invited
I am Sean10M
Peace is a lie; There is only Spore.
Resistance is futile.
We're all gooey on the inside
Anthros and dragons!
Enjoy it :-D
still fighting it
Feature me now! :P
Monkey see, Monkey fires Subatomic Particle Cannon
Up and at them!
We need more Girls here, the Guys outnumber us...
The Future Awaits!