dazariian's 39 BUDDIES:
Still checking comments
Adventures should be as fun as any other videogame
Welding with Dynamite!
Long live the Korta and Spores french fries
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Orange Mocha Frappachino
Daily Pot- and Pan-Beating
that space stage tho
Evolution takes no prisioners
There can be only one.
Have you tried Blender yet?
I hope someday Spore becomes popular again...
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
a bit out of practice
change your tagline
No, you change your tagline!
change your tagline
Exploring the rather empty galaxy
It's very difficult to make a comeback
Hurrah for the EAW and what not!