cynocephgoose's 114 BUDDIES:
Busy in IRL. I make flight related creations.
Rating up is good, so rate creations up!
ᚦᛟᛖᚾ ᛞᛁᛉ
new account: Omegasquid
"Slowly expanding the swarm"
make a story line 4 your creatures, helps u think
making amals...
New tagline under construction. Please be patient.
Good job EA, you finally killed Spore with Origin.
Welding with Dynamite!
idk how to do much of anything sorry
Hello. Or, to put it another way, o hell.
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
change your tagline
Done with this game. Was fun while it lasted o/
Bruno Mars = Embodiment of talent & music. ♥
I am your worst nightmare.
Howdy-Do Dudes
dA:ZozanTheDragon | Disc:Mugman#0652
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
Just a guy who loves science
Discord for GA at https://discord.gg/7zmvrFU
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Buzz buzz.
Ocassional Worldbuilder
Can't create right now because my game is broken
Creechure Factory
Still alive and creating every now and then..
Make Alien adventures with my creations!
Origin doesn't want me to play Spore, rude
Spore 2 needs to be made. Spore is dead.
Spore (2008) Video Game
when the imposter is sus
the Golden Chicken in your backgarden
This basket is full of heads.
Decade+ of Spore gang (new account obviously)
The Doctor is in~
eu adoro esse jogo
Subscribe to the Sagan 4 Alpha sporecast
i dont take spore very seriously
The little parasite.
Random Creatures for Immersive Worlds
Married with Seven Toads
Tasting the Void
turns out making a universe takes a while
Its contest time, comment for details
Evolution takes no prisioners
i do own GA... idk why it says i dont :/
Sanity is overrated.
♥♥♥Danke für Eure Kommentare !!! ;o)♥♥♥
Been playin' since my childhood
Terminus ante quem...
New Adventure. Play it, don't play it - You Choose
sometimes modded
Playing since June 8th, 2011
she/her back
aka Swaggerwrist
Who am I kidding -_-
Welcome to my page!
the end. maybe.
No opinion.
I'm saving my galaxy every day.
Think both outside and inside the box.
Thanks to all compliments! :-)
move against the flow!
DomDom97's new account
my new account is CresentDragon95
manspreading in the electric chair
Limb head specialist
anybody alive here?
New project in progress, could take a few months
i wish i could put an apostrophe in my name
Making Monsters Since 2010
"Bloom were your planted and grow to be more."
Moved to Twarda8; got another SPORE (@Twarda8)
helping fill the universe with birds
I am back, after another long absence
<Insert witty line here>
new account, old one was cornballexpress