bob25345's 44 BUDDIES:
Nobody makes better Bohrok!
new creations now at my youtube page
I am retired from Spore.
change your tagline
is Absolute
I NEVER DOWNRATE check my sporecasts out ty:)
The creator's handiwork is proved in the stitching
The gang is on the loose...
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Check out my creations!
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
who loves the tintin comics!!!
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
If you do it, do it well
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
ize gone...
I need to be filled in on the changes of spore.
hangtight97, I'm never on spore so just sub!
this is my amazing tagline.
a bit out of practice
Freue mich immer neue Leute kennen zulernen
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
400 subs!
I can't connect to spore:(.
Thanks for all the comments :]
10 Years of Quackenstein
Thanks for another feature Maxis!!!