azait's 43 BUDDIES:
I'm back, let's see if I can still create
new creations now at my youtube page
People are still playing this game?
Don't believe the hype
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Busy with college I'll try to keep creating
Done with this game. Was fun while it lasted o/
Illars demand a sacrifice.
Done with Spore. Bye all.
Just approved comments dating back to 2011. MIAa
Permanent hiatus, for now.
Likes the old spore website better
Staying for awhile (As of June 2012)
Done with Spore! Now a dominating force on Conquer
One big Galaxy full of magic...
UBD Militia. nuff sed.
Make a Spore 2 and I'll consider coming back ;)
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Feel free to use my stuff in GA...
My thumb only goes up!
having technical difficulties! Be back soon!
Hiding from reality.
High Sandwich Priest
Darkmatter Forge - Universes from infinity
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
you really guammed up an enzerg
Werderfan2012 is the ULTAMITE spore creater!