avaslash's 34 BUDDIES:
If the sky is the limit, then whats space?
Exploring that space outside my room
- the beast master
New spore profile : Rikyudoo
----this way----> [Check-point] *fist pump* "Yes!"
It's been nice, Spore. Maybe in another life.
Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.
change your tagline
Creating Dinosaurs the INGEN way.
Completely forgot about this game...
Thanks for all the comments.
Feel free to use my creations for GA!
Making no sense since 1995...
Back for the creativity boost
demented perfectionist
Light up the Fire - Ride on the Power!
Enslave First, Ask Later.
@WaveBomber on Twitter
New Account; Search for " SoporChild"
Aliens rule!!!
Massive creativity block... no good creations...
Gone for good. Everyone here needs to grow up.
not gonna come back.. probably
change your tagline
Caught up with work & WOW. :)