alienplanet98's 63 BUDDIES:
Thanks to Sips, I thought I'd see how things are!
Gürkchen klingt, Batman stinkt
Getting a new pc. I will be back after that.
Hi there! View my creatures here! :D
Why are the colors of our existence so badly drawn
Join the pack!
Lord of the Saurians!!
Feature An Early Creature!
Evolution takes no prisioners
war=peace but peace doesnt = war
Superman's freeloading older brother
Moved on to greener pastures. i am not coming back
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Who needs sanity anyway?
My thumb only goes up!
I'm just a luuurrrve machine!!
I may never go back on Spore...sorry.
Nova CEO is on his way back....
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
having technical difficulties! Be back soon!
High Sandwich Priest
Teeth, I says, teeth!
I am not crazy, my mother had me tested.
Quality over Quantity.
I've been gone for a long time haven't i?
It's time to pay the toll...
Thanks for all the comments :]
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<