Tchole's 34 BUDDIES:
Let's go les gars, on a pas de temps à perdre.
Back Again
Check it Out : http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts
Hello. Or, to put it another way, o hell.
Les nains veillent...Attention, ils arrivent...
Creativity is a form of Madness...
"Menbre du Nano design Clan (NDC)"
The future will be better tomorrow.
Goin' mute
Maitre spirituel Fournaise l'Universel
Un bot aux comportement français.:P
Waiting for Spore 2...
got c&c
Créer et recréer car la perfection est intouchable
Change your talgine
My new sporename is Je4n-S ! please suscribe !!!
legacy acc
changed the tagline
I make mechs and stuff...
Top yourself
This is comming soon
Spaceship For Ever
NDC forever!
I am making a comic!
C'est au pied du mur qu'on voit le mieux le mur
my world is small again...
LITE Industries