Sonramune's 46 BUDDIES:
Check out my POD Contest !!!
hdswyddgdwjdsdws.... kthbai
CS is all I do. Dangarang is my NON-CS account.
Bringing creatures to life since 2008
is Absolute
is bored most of the time :/
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
I am the Master of Games!
I'm the man with the template plan
Getting Bored of Spore
Haec nefasta verba sunt, ea non audi legere.
two years away from spore...
Ex-creator. Never featured.
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Make something cool with the Spore API!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Please take care.
change your tagline
Pucker up, buttercup.
Thanks everyone!! I'm replying as fast as I can!
"Oh, my stars and comets! HE'S A SHE!"
[please insert a cool tagline here]
My username is the same on Wii U!
Father Of Peekweak and Xspore 2008 Champion