Sigismond's 55 BUDDIES:
Away for a bit, but I'll be back! :)
Never trust a dragon
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
Smash fascism.
Prey today, tomorrow the galaxy.
Kinda hot in these rhinooos. -Ace Ventura
Evolution's One-Stop-Shop
Done with Spore. Bye all.
Thanks for all the comments.
change your tagline
Busy for months...
-RWS- Yes, I am a chick. :)
Creator of Fine Nightmares & Exotic Wild Aliens!
So many tasty creatures, so little seasoning...
Sorry for the simplicity of my comments I'm French
Maximilien, 5 ans, est désormais aux commandes
Plant and Marine editors would be nice.
Les Mini et moi
I haz antenna, but don't you grab it. >_<
flying low underneath the radar
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
Life is dangerous, we died at the end.
Quality over Quantity
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
Bring unthinkable horrors into your home today!
The Klown Prince of Creation
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
"Life is Weird."
Enter the Dreamland
I am the crazy plant creator
Appreciate the comments!
Hoping to have more time to Spore soon