SharkieJ's 130 BUDDIES:
Merry Christmas, I hope y'all are doing well
Raptors are awesome. Like, really, really awesome.
change your tagline
Girls just wanna have fun :)
Let the flames guide thee.
Seriously people, paint your creations.
Cuz I always have the Masta Plan
I am a Mac
EA stinks.
Fresh out of creative ideas. Meh.
Not going to play Spore anymore, sorry.
Assembly underway
"galactic zero"
I dislike locked captains
Should probably get Creepy and Cute... probably...
Casually wandering
Leaving Spore, perhaps forever
Why no grond movs hiet timeno!LOLOLOL
Spore is my universe
Galactic Adventurer
Spore's back???
Leaving Spore for a bit. Don't eat the yellow snow
change your tagline
The Most Interesting Man in the World.
Calai, yilato.
Back from the dead!
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Leave comments please!
I'ts been a loooong time
There are no rules to imagination.
TheDragonShop's main account!
A million and two cookies... Got milk?
Creating art elsewhere now.
Direct yourselves to my new acount Blackwing-Ewot!
My PSN ID GinDeidera
If life throws you melons, you might be dyslexic
Is everybody ready for DarkSpore?!?!?! :)
change your tagline
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Make something cool with the Spore API!
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Gone from spore after three years :(
The Future is Now!
Ready your blades
Sporechives - https://discord.gg/ps5fhFwfCm
trying to create nice looking adventures
you know what they say: all toasters toast toast
I regret nothing, Knowledge is power
Numptral Lobotomy!!!
a bit out of practice
The Grox, are champions!!
Every miracle can be made possible if you believe!
Think both outside and inside the box.
Kerios is watching you.
We're destined to walk in the light of other suns
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
NOTE * I have Quit spore.*
The SS Normandy
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Explosions... so easy to make, so fun to whatch!
I like Chocolate Milk
This is a big galaxy. Full of many, many things.
only add buddys becuase caint downlod spret
Time to troll.
Pucker up, buttercup.
I'm Bored...
Hope to have some good new adventures soon!
hey a grox wait... NOOOOOO!
Time is free, but it is priceless.
"Still Alive after all these Years."
My username is the same on Wii U!
take no prisoners
change your tagline
This was a mistake