Rebecca1208's 109 BUDDIES:
tag your changeline
‎ur brtty gud snek ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) https://youtu.be/2z
Pissin blimey! Theres jam coming outta the walls!
new creations now at my youtube page
It's not a mom, phase!
New tagline still under construction. Just wait.
Dinosaurs here! Aliens at new acc: AstroPlanet
Assembly underway
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
change your tagline
is Absolute
The soul will fly, ascending to the sky
Prehistory in the making!
My main Spore account is "Rebecca1208" :)
Discord for GA at https://discord.gg/7zmvrFU
Novus Ordo Seclorum!
...Like tears, in rain.
What's it do? It kills the enemy.
Spore (2008) Video Game
Out Of The Office. Use what you want!
Please use any of my creations if you wish
Spode's in his heaven. All's right with the galaxy
Northern Spore
Out now: The Opera House of Placebohne
I'm gone.
With strange aeons even death may die.
Kea In A Tree
One big Galaxy full of magic...
insert funny tagline here
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Mors Regis
Hello and welcome
Tagline of the Seventh Dawn
UBD Militia. nuff sed.
A complete fool
Creating the Spores
Step forth and be recognized...
Sporechives - https://discord.gg/ps5fhFwfCm
Still Here, Just... Quiet
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
Subscribe! I promise i'll create good stuffs...
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Gone, gone, gone.
Back on Spore, but only making modded creations
I make mechs and stuff...
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
a bit out of practice
Think both outside and inside the box.
Nova CEO is on his way back....
I'll comment back to everyone ASAP!
Youtube = Seshidao
Hosting the SPOSCARS in the adventure section!
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Let the adventure start...
Probably wont be on regularly but who knows 😎
Salooverall's alt for sharing YT-creations
Hey! My name is Secille.
Having problems playing spore on my pc :(
Anthros and dragons!
Doing less sailing these days...
working on something new
I can't connect to spore:(.
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade.
yay got a new pc ZOMFG.
Busy with real life, not sure when I'll be back
I'm Nidking, The looniest of all loons! :D
Howdy hOWDY howdee!
Away, dear Molly
Migrated to a new screen name: Weenifer
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
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Did I was banned?