Rantzer's 94 BUDDIES:
Sporepedia? Is that contagious?
Je suis une pomme de terre
Ugh, Sorry about being offline. Portfolio work. Dx
It's time to SHOOT LAZERS!
Please see my other profile, CelenaReborn.
Hardcore 4 Life
Also known as TerasHD
Arguing With myself and losing!
Darwin would be turning in his grave at that!
Whats going on!!!
The organic city.
change your tagline
change your tagline
Hi. I read light novels now less creative. <('-'<)
"You just got Sarged."
The finest internet Sporn!
lets get our adventure on!
Why would i tell you?
How about a new bloody expansion?
new creations coming eventually
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
i miss my spore!
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
El universo nunca fue tan inmenso
├☼┤Love me some spore! ├☼┤
"Pa amb tomàquet i llonganissa"
My Spore won't run on this comp, getting new one.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I Dunno...
Some creatures play well, others are for looks
Thats what she said!!! :)
change your tagline
Seven is the hardest number to count to.
Did a bit of housecleaning for release.
If Grandpa doesn't get his meds, he goes EPIC!
Please check out my RANCOR! =D
To Conquer, Without Mercy or Restraint
Clayface from gamingsteve
midgets are awesome