RHampson's 45 BUDDIES:
find me on tumblr as veshialles
I don't do much around here....
Taking a break from creating and playing the game!
Can't get rid of me THAT easily
[vaguely troubling non-sequitur]
My name is BurninatingFreez and I like to party!
OK I swear this is getting a bit weird
computer want let me play any more.
ideas plz!
Yeah, I wear a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.
Wont be on for a while due to my broken computer
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Illars demand a sacrifice.
Good things grow in Ontario :D
Sorry, way behind lately...=(
Light up the Fire - Ride on the Power!
Just makin' guns... You can request me if you want
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
a bit out of practice
Deus pascit corvos
Creations and adventures coming whenever
Bringing Doctor Who to Galactic Adventures!
is Probably doing something chaotic with Team RWBY
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
I intend to reply to comments very soon. =D
Behold, the resurrection of the master race!
Making Music on Youtube
Back from the dead.
Occasionally on Spore...
Is now Invader_ZIM_Fan.
Beyond the Rift Act 1 Part 2 Under Construction...
I'll be back soon!
Don’t judge a book by its cover