MarkyDMan's 31 BUDDIES:
counting down till Star Citizen comes out
Exploring that space outside my room
Pissin blimey! Theres jam coming outta the walls!
Down and out for the count
Working on various projects, allways around though
Check it Out : http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts
Abstract Art Connoisseur
Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.
im back yah
On a break from Spore.
change your tagline
The soul will fly, ascending to the sky
All about the spaceships
Jakster is my husband and we watch tv all night
demented perfectionist
Dai Warships...You Pay, We slay :)
SNS Serious Noise Shipworks
Still alive :)
My entire page is a work in progress.
Who am I kidding -_-
Nova CEO is on his way back....
How do you spore?
Wanna dance?
Miss this game :(
I still check up on you guys! :P
my world is small again...