Magnusvir's 61 BUDDIES:
Emperor of the Xizor Empire
Convincing the world
How do you regain your spore account?
yeah, i said it!
Nie cierpiÄ™ kosmosu
I'm Back! Let's go!
Every time someone subs to me a cute thing dies!
My computer is rejecting SPORE, so I'm out for now
Creating a better world... one creature at a time
Memories and nostalgia everywhere!
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Back with a vengeance
You Just Lost The Game
Christmas at last! bring on the presents!
I'm no longer playing, but feel free to look
Dragons FTW!
Where my catchphrase is too complex to be catchy!
I live for the weekend
Hey man... you want some brownies?
change your tagline
Fun in the sun
Flowerfull creatures
New creatures to come!
changed the tagline
Give page back, remove Add --->
i love nintedo
Plant Universe Sporecast made it to the top 50!!!!
All according to plan Simple as that
my most sucessful creature☆
When it rains, it spores. Thanks for looking.
Try riding me now, fool!
Happy Fun Spore Creature Store
1,2..Freddie's gonna kill you..lol!!!
Omnipotence, eh? Gotta get me summa that!
Wishes he was more artistic...
Is unistalling spore right now......
And you dare to call yourself nosferatu....