JRsilverfoxx1390's 237 BUDDIES:
My positive comment usually includes a rating :)
back for now, please check out my newest stuff...
A Good Kill Initiate.
- the beast master
new creations now at my youtube page
change your tagline
You sir, are the master of plant monsters-Wooflang
change your tagline
Dance Like Nobody's Watching
Permanently done with Spore. For real this time.
Few YTube creatures can't upload due to complexity
I'm back...in a way.
returning-new screen name TangibleThought
On leave.
Art for art's sake.
I will try to do better!!
Creative crisis...
EA needs a download manager for Mac OS. I'm stuck.
Please sub, I have few......-__-
Have a Coke and a Smile!
Still no CPU, I intend on coming back Miss you all
May the force be with you!
why do people still care about this game?
Life is wierd.
Is likely AFK
@WaveBomber on Twitter
back again?
change your tagline
I'm on and off, I don't care!!!!!!!!!!
Street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm
No one likes a stale bagel.
done with spore, feel free to use my creatures
You change YOUR tagline!
Variety, variety, variety...
...Happy new year.
Back and... still white.
we make the terror
OMG, Spore users dropping like flies...
May have enough $ for a new computer soon...
Yes, im only 13.. i am a kid
Still away from Spore.
Apr. 7, just got GA, no idea how to use it >.<
Creations should look good & function in game!
change your tagline
My hypno mantis is an honorable mention!
Busy with geocaching!
Sorry I haven't been on lately, but im a bit busy.
What is the meaning of the pointless life I lead?
I don't SUFFER insanity. I ENJOY it!
The Bonez Empire
Ocasionally back to have a laugh
yay got a new pc ZOMFG.
Installing Spore on new pc, bbs ;)
Still not a 'Twilight' fan
got better things to do
Uninstall ALL the spores!
Something wicked this way comes.
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
>> cReAtiVitY iS My WoRld <<
*Spinning in circles*
Where did he go?
Check out my Youtube!