Granty-J-1996's 66 BUDDIES:
takin a little break
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
New DarkSpore based Floones up!
Probably going to be coming back soon....
tick, tock, tick, tock....
On a break from Spore.
Should probably get Creepy and Cute... probably...
If you copy/modify please remember to give credit
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
Predicting the new starters years ago
Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
change your tagline
Back for the creativity boost
Who is still playing Spore?
Superman's freeloading older brother
One big Galaxy full of magic...
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
I'm back.
can't rate for some reason
UBD Militia. nuff sed.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm
"The truth is often stupid." -- Bender
To genius and idiots, and gods in everyone of us.
Aliens rule!!!
You change YOUR tagline!
the bird is the word again!
a bit out of practice
A shame such a great community has withered away.
Living in my own little world; You're invited
Creations should look good & function in game!
long time no spore!
careful what you wish for....
Pucker up, buttercup.
I am Thobewill
going to EDC
Thanks for all the comments :]
Away, dear Molly
My DA- mechformer93.deviantart.com
Youre Whats For Dinner
10 Years of Quackenstein