GarOogie96's 120 BUDDIES:
Away for a bit, but I'll be back! :)
Convincing the world
(Known as BeaglePuff)
Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Dragon Lord258
tilting at windmills
EA stinks.
i am very good at make in spores you can download
Dinosaurs+Today=Dragons... Simple right?
Creativity with a dash of the ethereal!
I'm not gone, just gone on holidays =D brb
The richest being in the universe!
One day more! Another day ,another destiny.
change your tagline
I like to create things.....
yes, i am still here
Between thought and expression lies a lifetime.
Wyśpisz się po śmierci
u gotta remind me who i am to know me
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Thanks and goodbye to all my buddies.
Have you ever felt as if you were being hunted?
My Spore won't run on this comp, getting new one.
Just trying to do myself some good...or not
A Long Time Ago, But Somehow In The Future
arrrgh home sweet cheese (i found earth) big whoop
Alt account: UmbreonRacie
Mission Steve: Acomplished!
Creating craziness since 2008.
If you can't break it, it aint worth buying.
if our creations look bad, we are just having fun
That's no moon!
I'm around...
Project Spark is coming
Darkspore and Spore fanatic.
I'm still alive -2018