GameShark88's 55 BUDDIES:
Deaviant Art: sarahboebarah
change your tagline
Have a look at my sporecasts!
Explosives are the answer to almost everything
Imagine the Impossible
-retired- B.O.2 master prestige
I am no writer, but I will do my best :)
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Also known as TerasHD
change your tagline
is Absolute
Starting a Star Squad TCG- Battle for the Galaxy
Volviendo a spore
Keep it flourishing
Moved to DDO... but M visits occassionaly.
Who knows
just published some previously unseen work...
I like pie.
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
make juicy things!
Make something cool with the Spore API!
Browsing Creations...
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Spore is my favorite game, I play it all day long,
Check out my new account Creator4ever!
Four Spore and Spt. 7 years ago...
Overlord of all Ninjas
Away till at least August
a bit out of practice
Check out my sporecasts!
Alt account: UmbreonRacie
Can't log on for some reason...
I'm open to constructive criticism
good to see some of my old buddies creating!
Alt account for RacieB, set up by Luminar
Delicious tail, I must eat it!
Dooh!! The Gaiazenatons/ians have diversified!!!