Farnsworth86's 43 BUDDIES:
Taking a break from creating and playing the game!
With the shield or over the shield...
excuse me but, you have lost the game
The Universe speaks to those who listen.
Getting a new pc. I will be back after that.
Gone Forever
<-----Please help him get featured!!!!
go on my minicity http://trenchiiee.myminicity.com
Cmon everybody, check me out Im dancin, Im dancin!
My inspiration is found within yours.
Taking a break
I am not finished yet...
My entire page is a work in progress.
This server must not be big enough for the 2 of us
Very very busy...I'm so sorry.
Thanks for the memories.... I'm done for now.
Securing the galaxy, one toilet brush at a time
I don't dodge epics, I hunt them!
Gifted in the Mind XD
You guys can use my stuff in your adventures =)