DrKilory's 55 BUDDIES:
Convincing the world
Probably going to be coming back soon....
Spontaneously Creative
Demented but Determined
Always fill your complexity meter! ;)
warcow says: "mooo!"
Flamin for Spore
Master of feathers... and french fries.
Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Not Just Another Pretty Number
For ever and ever in your mind
Even Evolution Has It's Limits.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion..
Oh, what has science wrought?
pray without ceasing
Is it September yet??
Handing out cookies for Bytes since 2005
It's Evolution, Baby.
Why so serious? XD
My Aliens. Let me show you them.
Use my creations in GA
Following the crowd is boring, be different.
"See a Need, Fill a Need"
xSpore.com owner.
Waiting for Spore...
Want a final version of the 2005 Spore GDC Concept
Just another God in this place
King of fire (and Spore)
Father Of Peekweak and Xspore 2008 Champion
"what is this concept of limits?"(Matt from C.T.E)