Bokaj98's 192 BUDDIES:
Carlantian, peace out!
Make dragon ocs popular again 2k15
- the beast master
otterburn park
Check out the Excalibur story on BTN!
I am no writer, but I will do my best :)
CS is all I do. Dangarang is my NON-CS account.
To give you all the best color schemes
Away from SPORE for university.
What's this field for?
I see that Spore is not a prawn short of a galaxy
Don't take life seriously - no-one makes it out!
look at and subscribe to my sporecast
Guess who? Thats right! emilyg811 people! ^^
has returned
Go Go Godzilla !
I will do SCIENCE to it.
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
Kaijus and other giant monsters
Learn from experience.
EXTREMELY BUSY! But will get on occasionally.
Uhh... I can't think of a good tagline.
@WaveBomber on Twitter
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
Spore is dead :(
Working on New Adventure. BBL
open mind, massive imagination
Let the adventure start...
Back from the dead, baby!
If you like my stuff then buddy me & sub!
Making what I make best.
Perhaps... One day...
Don’t judge a book by its cover
Godzilla is king