58ege58's 40 BUDDIES:
Yay! :D
I call the big one "bitey"
You can never stop improving
----this way----> [Check-point] *fist pump* "Yes!"
My brain is melting and it smells like a volcano
Bye, and thank you for coming to my page.
Dirtymeat A~Go~Go
I round house
AKA; Rebecca1208 / DarkEdgeTV
Ball creature maniac. Japan JPN まんまるクリーチャーマニア 日本
Hello and welcome
Busy with my writing, happy Sporing!
You never know where you stand with a cactus.
I am an evil giraffe, and member of the Spore team
no niin täällä taas
Away till at least August
a bit out of practice
Good Bye @ all! I had a great time here! Thanks ^^
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
open wound to be mended soon.
Checked in on 7/19/14. Thanks for the comments!
Inactive for a little while, Hope you understand
Miss this game :(
computer has been fixed :)
Well would you look at that.