01Rocks853's 161 BUDDIES:
Make dragon ocs popular again 2k15
Omnom nom nom, i declare war on non edible objects
find me on tumblr as veshialles
Bow Ties are Cool
Epic Killer, Grox Ally
Occasional maker of wallpapers on deviantArt
my steam ID: henrylovespies
Rebecca1208's Prop Persona
Busy playin other games
*Time slipping on galactic medieval era Now*
creating for fun :)
Rubberchickens and Cooljerkface are my new alt's!
The cake is a LIE!!!
Ain't got time to lose my groove
I created cRiMpO and the Crimorions
Blip blop bloop.
Prehistory in the making!
Heroics all the same.
It's been so many years...
Discord: edmundpjc#0421
It's a-me... Emily!
Another day, another creature :)
You! Out of the gene pool!
protect all animals
ACCOUNT VACANT - go to Rainmask (1/29/16)
New account: BunkerChunk. fishboy102 has ended!
GA is broken, but expect creatures occasionally
Hi. I read light novels now less creative. <('-'<)
Darkspore..... cant wait
Im not playing anymore but u can still comment me.
iam weird but more fun to be around then most.
I'ts been a loooong time
"Life was bad, but now it's good! Forever!"
Be afraid... be VERY afraid... (Not really)
What do you mean... "change my tagline?"
Always Stick Together
Jsem Lord-Londik, a jdu si pro Vás.
More creations coming soon!
has left the building
Try my adventures and enjoy
im quiting spore but i will check comments.
New Profile is DoctorKirby135
You're not the big fish in the pond anymore, mate.
believe in the impossible.
Who needs Discriptions and Tags.
Big adventure in progress... still in progress...
"Once I was awake... Now I dream again"
Let the adventure start...
Goodbye Spore, I will miss you...
Check out my new player ID- Slarti-42
I has returned!
Proud member of the Feudal Realms and the GCG Clan
Even in the darkest shadow a light will shine
I'm back, but computer still has problems booting.
Behold, the resurrection of the master race!
I need a new name
Sorry, I was playing roblox this whole time
Helps To Save The Universe
Sadly, my Spore doesn't want to share creations...
SwiftSky of ThunderClan. I drew mah avi
O.O really? oh my!
Working on new stuff so I'm here and there
change your tagline
Creators, unite!
We are Shinymyu and GirlKirby/Zombie