

All Achievements
Spore Achievements
Adventure Achievements

Lucariofrek's Achievements

  • Achievement Completist
    Unlock all the parts in the Cell stage
    Mon July 16, 2012

  • Achievement Founder
    Complete the Tribal stage and build a city
    Sun July 1, 2012

  • Achievement Space stage unlocked
    Play enough of the Civilization stage to unlock the Space stage
    Sun July 1, 2012

  • Achievement Civilization stage unlocked
    Play enough of the Tribe stage to unlock the Civilization stage
    Sun July 1, 2012

  • Achievement Tribe stage unlocked
    Play enough of the Creature stage to unlock the Tribe stage
    Sun October 9, 2011

  • Achievement Deja Vu
    Discover something you created in another game
    Fri September 23, 2011

  • Achievement Creature stage unlocked
    Play enough of the Cell stage to unlock the Creature stage
    Tue September 20, 2011

  • Achievement Pacifist
    Finish the Cell stage without killing another creature
    Tue September 20, 2011

  • Achievement Landfall
    Finish the Cell stage and clamber onto the planet's surface
    Tue September 20, 2011

Buddy's Achievements

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